The citizen is a complex and comprehensive guide to making the blink HTML tag work.

Another Blink HTML Tag: The tag is an introduction to one of the most important elements in HTML.
The blink HTML tag can be considered as a rather interesting and at the same time, provocative phenomenon in webpage construction. Originally used in the early ages of the web, this tag’s purpose was to make the text blink when opened in a web browser. It was infamous for its extent and for the minimalistic mess it sometimes inflicted to the websites. Nevertheless, strange as it may seem, the blink tag, being banned in the later versions of HTML and currently obsolete and deprecated, should not be forgotten as an important exhibit in the museum of the evolution of the web, and it definitely continues to inspire young developers and enthusiast.
This article will be helpful to everyone, because knowing the history and use of the ‘blink’ tag is very important for those who engages seriously in HTML. Although it is not common today to utilize it, understanding its background gives a ROAD map of how web development came to be. This knowledge can also be entertaining in featuring the oddities of early web design.
This paper seeks to present a background to the origin and aims of the Blink Tag
The blink tag was first incorporated into Netscape Navigator, one of the very first browsers available on the internet. Its purpose was simple: to make text blink on and off, it’s possible to draw the viewer’s attention to the concerned area of the web page. In the mid-90s, the use of blink was considered new and unique approach to attracting attention to the specifically placed information or an announcement on the webpage.
However, the blink tag was not well received by the public as a result of the excessive use that accompanied the invention of this thing and consideration of the fact that it distracted people. Most web pages started to implement it in excess, which made the structure of the content messy and almost difficult to comprehend. The tag was never a part of any standard HTML specification and was in the end undefined by most of the existing browsers. Nevertheless, it stays as one of the relics of the former web 1.0 or the early period of the WWW development.
Studying the function of blink tag can be seen as equally useful in shedding light upon the overall tendencies affecting the process of web design, such as drift towards the simplicity and aesthetic appeal. It will be seen that contemporary web development emphasizes on the issues of usability as well as accessibility, the knowledge of which is partially gained with the help of tags such as blink.

This paper seeks to explain how the Blink Tag works.
The functioning of the blink tag is quite simple as mentioned below. When used – the enclosed text blinks on/off, though it is possible to regulate the rate of blinking – its frequency. That said however, the execution of such can be rather shocking if done haphazardly; the following is a case in point. This simplicity proved to be the films strength and weakness for it is very simple to incorporate in a movie but conversely not very difficult to exploit.
In contemporary web design, one can use styles via CSS and scripts with JavaScript to introduce the blinking effect for the texts with more accuracy and less visibility compared to applying the blink tag. They enable better animations and transitions that are close to modern design concept, giving the user more fluid encounter.
And the blink tag is the headline, the call for more restraint, and for highly-regarded design. Although this term has lost its relevance now, knowing about it enables to better comprehend what the contemporary Web developers have at their disposal.
Alternative to the Blink Tag in Modern World
As for the blink tag which is no longer in use currently, the current crop of website designers and developers have had to look for other means of attaining remarkable effects. CSS has animations which are strong and a good replacement to flash as well as JavaScript is a better option owing to flexibility it has over flash.
CSS animations provide the program with the ability to do more than just the blunt on-off blink. Thus, using the keyframes one can create everything starting from simple fades and ending up with the most complex sequences. It also follows today’s design paradigms of clean and futuristic transitions that complement the use of the page without necessarily dominating it.
JavaScript introduces another level of managing a website, allowing for manipulation and interactivity that meets the user’s actions. Along with CSS, it provides the possibility of very detailed animations which might be matched to the certain needs of the webpage. This flexibility is a hundred percent better as compared to the blink tag which is universal in its application.
Pop Culture with the Blink Tag
Surprisingly, the blink tag is still somewhat of a meme and even though it is a bad example of early web design, it is used as a benchmark and a part of water cooler conversation. It is known as a sign of bad taste and a severely outdated look, a humorous and poignant look at how far Web Design has come.
Web developers, especially the older generations, have meme and jokes surrounding the blink tag due to its aged memories but also the fact that one can find some relief now knowing that majority of web designs do not contain this element. Considering this as more of a playful take on the blink tag demonstrates the necessity for forward movement and development in the field of technology and takes a moment to reve in the progression.
Blink tag is an example of a clearly purposeless and contrived tag that became a part of pop culture, illustrating the strange and awkward evolution of web development. It brings into light that each journey, including the one that was less successful is vital to the enhancement of technology.
The Brown line is the result of The New York Times deciding why you should avoid using the Blink tag today
They being using blink tag might seem funny or overall reminding of the past, but there are strong elements as to why it should not be used in today’s web design. The one that stands out most is probably accessibility. Therefore, the phenomenon of blinking text is very annoying for the users with disabilities of certain types, including epilepsy or vision problems. The current accessibility guidelines demand the designing of an environment that is friendly to everyone; thus, the blink tag is unfit.
Also, the blink tag is not functional on most current browsers, and the desired outcome will not be appreciated by the audience. Such inconsistency harms the credibility and professionalism of a website, which is why it is possible to build more effective and supported techniques for attracting attention with help of more recent and fully supported methods.
Seeing why blink tag is not used anymore also created a good realization to stick to the ever updated standards of developing websites. Therefore usability, accessibility and aesthetics of the website play big role in the development of a website that is both informative and attractive.
The blink HTML tag, which was once a creative means of drawing attention to text is now rather outdated. The shift from large-scale usage to its current abandonment is a perfect illustration of the process of maturation of the web design standards. Despite the fact that the blink tag was not useful in the current web design, the tag is still phenomenal HTML tidbit that shows that technology is dynamic.
In this way, through the consideration of the history of HTML, analyzing the purpose for which HTML is used and realizing its drawbacks, one can grasp the usefulness of instruments and technologies offered to modern Web developers. Subscribing to contemporary solutions helps to focus on creating websites that are different while at the same time accepting both usability and aesthetics for all visitors.